Table Numbers

I picked up these circle popouts from Michaels and printed them using my home printer. I think we'll use corks spray painted black to hold them.

DIY Invitations

I designed and had intended to completely DIY our invites. But the more I started pricing things outs and realizing how much work it would be, I just decided to take the easy way out. I picked up a kit from Michaels for $20, using a 50% off coupon. I only needed 40 invites so one kit was enough. And $20 for my invitations/rsvps? I'm SOLD! I am a little disappointed that I wont get to use my designed invites though.

These definitely need a little work though. I plan to cut them down just a little at kinkos or something and mat them onto a heavier cardstock. These are 80lb and a little flimsy. We'll be adding a different color ribbon and small rhinestones for some bling.


Same type deal as the the invites. I designed my own layered programs but just decided to do something easier. I think I spent around $15, using a 40% off one item coupon.

Favor Tags

I ordered 1.5" in stickers from zazzle. As of right now, we will mat them on 2" round cardstock and tie it to our favors. I'm kind of liking the chinese takeout boxes right now though, so depending on how much that would be, I'd like to use them for favors.

Sorry about the crappy image.
